Corporate Sponsorship Levels:
Luminary Sponsorship- $2,000
Sponsorship includes: Company logo on marketing promotion materials for the season including: premium placement of a full page ad on all production programs, advertising posters and website and Facebook page; placement of company materials in the lobby during performances. Sponsorship also includes 20 box or premium seats for productions at the Five Flags Theater. Box seats may be split across performances.
Sponsorships of $1,000 - $1,999
Recognition and full page ad in the program for the season, company logo on the website and 10 tickets to the show of your choice.
Sponsorships of $750 - $999
Recognition in the program for the season and 6 tickets to the show of your choice.
Sponsorships of $500 - $749
Recognition in the program for the season and 4 tickets to the show of your choice.
Sponsorships of $250 - $499
Recognition in the program for the season and 2 tickets to the show of your choice.